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Last weekend from June 3rd to June 5th, we were truly glad to have joined the innovative community of AEC Hackathon for the second time. 3 days sounds lengthy, but everybody still wanted more time and space to showcase all their originality and energy.


We were truly excited to be there!

This time, AEC Hackathon was hosted by SWECO company and team, which provided great fun and facilitated all activities of more than 120 creative people. The SWECO Building actually consisted of three buildings – with the total area up to 18000 square meters, which gave ample space for the teams to experiment with their ideas.

Proximi team made the venue location-smart with our API and beacons. As with last year, this generated a lot of interest from participants into proximity technology, especially for application development.

During these three days, many workshops took place, all were very enthusiastically attended. The workshops addressed many concerns in the AEC space, provided many insights and foresights and inspired some of the teams in the brainstorming process. Maybe most notable is the announcement from Peter Vesterbacka (of Rovio) about the FINEST Tunnel (connecting Finland and Estonia), along with the FINEST startup community.

The announcement footage was filmed by Aarni Heiskanen and posted via LiveStream on the event’s channel.

13 teams took on different challenges from organizers and sponsors, with 13 incredible solutions to problems of different scale in the AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) sphere. The hacks used state-of-the-art technology, from VR, AR, mixed reality, automatic drones, and more.

All the teams impressed us with their work in these few days. For example, team Dropout (the presentation starts at 2.39) connected audio communication, real-time cloud data and AR to protect firefighters. Their solution hopes to alleviate some pain points in firefighting – including dealing with flameover and aiding the firefighting teams in real-time.


Image taken by screenshot, via Livestream, at the event channel

Another project that got our attention belongs to team @BIMforAll. The team managed to create a prototype connection between Twitter and BIM models. This connection allows editing of the models through tweets – with specific syntax and parameters for a wide range of functionality. The team envisioned a future where alternating the models can be done quickly and easily from anywhere just through a few lines of codes on social networks. With this, the team proudly won our challenge – and we are also as proud to be applied in such an innovative solution.


Image by Aarni Heiskanen

The best overall project belongs to team SemRio, who provided an amazing hack for BIM contextual model. Using a drone (or many drones) to take pictures, and then feeding the pictures through an AI algorithm, the team broke no sweat in generating interactive 3D models. The AI algorithm can also search for certain objects within a model, then tagging as appropriate.

We will leave the details about the prizes for you to find out at AEC Hackathon page.

If you feel like trying, there are also two more hackathons with us:

Flex your code muscles!

Any questions?