Technoseum is one of the largest museums in Germany.’s SDK forms the corner stone for the interactive museum app launched in 2021. The mobile app improves the visitor experience by guiding visitors through the museum on different theme routes and informing them about highlights on the routes real-time.


Technoseum has an impressive exhibition area of twelve thousand square meters on 7 floors, connected with elevators, stairs and ramps. Every floor is filled with interesting objects and experiments. Visitors can get overwhelmed by the large number of exhibits and experiment stations. The mobile app can notify visitors about nearby objects and highlight them just in the right moment.


  • High accuracy, real-time positioning in all exhibitions with 270 BLE beacons
  • Durable and flexible installation with magnets
  • Indoor positioning connected to the museum’s floorplan and mobile application
  • Better orientation and engagement options for visitors

The mobile application is developed by Fluxguide. Fluxguide develops new possibilities for museum interpretation and visitor services worldwide.
